Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Today we've visited Frankfurt and our German partners have come with us! 

The meeting point was as usual the Niedernhausen train station, it starts to become a second home to us, so we've taken the train at 8,30am and in 40 minutes we arrived to Frankfurt city centre, in the shopping district.

Of course, all our students were really excited about being there even though the shops and department stores are really similar to the ones we have in Barcelona, globalisation is a fact.

After that we've visited the Old Town in Frankfurt where we've seen the few remains that were left after the second world war: the Römerberg, the church of Nikolai and the City Hall. The rest of Frankfurt has been reconstructed and looks as a modern city because during the Second World War it was almost completely destroyed.

Later we've seen the Film Museum which was on the other side of the river Main and we had to cross the famous bridge "Eiserner Steg" where we've seen thousands of padlocks of couples who left them to show to the world they are in love, like in Pont Neuf in Paris. The Film Museum was really interesting! We've learnt who were the Lumière brothers and Méliers and we've experienced how special effects are made, lots of fun!

Finally we've travelled back by train to Niedernhausen. The students are mingling and getting on really well and a collaborative atmosphere has been created. Although their use of English and German is still not so fluent, day by day more students are trying to break the ice and communicate despite their beginner level. We hope they'll improve progressively. Speak tomorrow!


Hoy era el día de Frankfurt y además nos acompañan nuestros partners alemanes. Como casi siempre empezamos en la estación de Niedernhausen, empieza a ser un lugar familiar, cojemos el tren de las 8:30 y en 40 minutos estamos en el centro de Frankfurt, en plena zona comercial. 

Los muchachos encantado por supuesto, todo y que la mayoría de las tienda son muy similares a las de Barcelona, la globalización es un hecho.
Paseamos hasta la zona histórica de la ciudad, que de hecho Peter (nuestro acompañante alemán), es una reconstrucció de como era Frankfurt antes de la II Gerra Mundial, ya que en ese periodo y después de multiples bombardeos quedo totalmente derruida.
Luego pasamos el río Main por el puente llamado "Eiserner Steg". y visitamos el Museum del Cine, muy interesante!
Después comida, tiempo libre y vuelta a Niedernhausen.

Los muchachos ya están mucho más integrados, de manera natural se forman grupos mixtos, y se ha creado un ambiente muy colaborador. Y todo y que la práctica del inglés y el alemán es muy desigual, cada vez hay más alumnos que se lanzan, esperamos mejorar con los días.

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